Mon to Sat : 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Sunday Closed


Conventional Fire Alarm System



This course is a gateway to a comprehensive understanding of Conventional Fire Alarm Systems and their critical role from a safety-infrastructure point of view.

Throughout this course, you will learn-

Introduction to Conventional Fire Alarm Systems

Gain insights into the core concepts of conventional fire alarm systems, setting the stage for your learning.

Exploring the Mechanism Behind Fire Alarm Systems

Dive into the inner workings of fire alarm systems, deciphering their functionality and importance.

Components that Constitute these Systems

Explore the myriad components that orchestrate a cohesive fire alarm system, enhancing your technical knowledge.

Site Visits: Learning Beyond the Classroom

Learn how to effectively visit and assess sites, applying theoretical insights to real-world scenarios.

Understanding Government Regulations

Understand the governmental regulations that govern fire alarm systems, ensuring adherence to safety standards.

Practical Connection Diagrams

Immerse yourself in practical connection diagrams, bridging theory and application seamlessly.

Diving into Types of Wiring

Explore the various types of wiring, grasping their significance in optimizing system performance.

Mastering How to do Installation

Gain expertise in fire alarm system installation techniques, from setup to fine-tuning.

Programming for Accuracy

Learn the art of programming fire alarm systems to achieve accuracy and reliability.

Thorough System Testing

Understand the crucial step of testing fire alarm systems, validating their functionality and effectiveness.

Live Q & A Sessions

Engage directly with Bharat Jain through live question and answer sessions, enriching your learning experience.

By the end of this course, you'll emerge as a confident practitioner powered with the knowledge and skills needed to help set-up Fire Alarm Systems.
Join us on this journey and empower yourself with another field of safety expertise.